The little dictionnary about the sun

Is the sun really that bad for your health?
Yes and no! The sun is one of the main contributors to skin cancer and the leading factor in premature skin aging. It is essential to properly protect your skin from UV rays.
However, the sun also has numerous benefits. Daily exposure to the sun for 15 minutes (without sunscreen) allows the synthesis of natural Vitamin D, an essential vitamin for the proper functioning of the body.
UVA/UVB: What are the differences?
They represent 95% of UV rays and are responsible for skin aging. They can penetrate through clouds and windows, which is why you are exposed to them all year round, summer and winter! They reach both your epidermis and deeper layers of your skin (dermis), making them particularly dangerous. They generate free radicals, leading to premature skin aging. They can also cause allergies (bumps and redness) and contribute to the appearance of pigmentation spots. They are also responsible for the development of skin cancer.
UVB: They represent 5% of UV rays and are responsible for tanning as well as sunburns. They do not penetrate through clouds but are equally harmful as UVA rays as they can weaken the skin.
Quick mnemonic: "A" for Age or Allergies, "B" for Bronzing or Burns. Hehe.
What is the difference between SPF30 and SPF50 ?
Contrary to what many people think, the sun protection factor (SPF) has nothing to do with the duration of protection.
The SPF represents the number of UV rays blocked by the product. Therefore, an SPF50 blocks 1 UV ray out of 50, while an SPF30 blocks 1 UV ray out of 30.
In other words:
SPF50: Blocks 98% of UV rays.
SPF30: Blocks 97% of UV rays.
Why can the sun cause breakouts on the skin? How can they be avoided ?
The skin perceives UV rays as an aggression. To protect itself, it produces melanin and thickens. This thickening, along with heat and humidity, promotes the proliferation of bacteria that can lead to an overproduction of sebum, resulting in the appearance of breakouts.
To avoid breakouts, we recommend the following: Regular exfoliation: Perform regular exfoliation to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and sebum.
Protect your skin during sun exposure: Use a non-comedogenic and non-greasy sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. For example, MIMITIKA creams are recommended.
After sun exposure, soothe your skin: Use aloe vera, such as the one found in our After-Sun Lotion, to soothe and purify the skin.
What is the sun protection factor ?
For each skin type, there is a maximum amount of sunlight it can be exposed to throughout life without increasing the risk of developing a condition. It's like a reservoir granted to us at birth, with the level decreasing a bit with each exposure. Nowadays, it is stated that we exceed half of our sun protection capital before the age of 18.
That is why it is important to protect your skin every time you are exposed to the sun.
Is sunlight on my skin only when I'm at the beach?
Far from it!
95% of UV rays can penetrate through clouds and reach the skin. Therefore, even in winter or on cloudy days, it is necessary to protect yourself from the sun.
And if you go to the mountains this winter, keep in mind that snow reflects 40% to 90% of the sun's rays, and water reflects 10% to 30% of the rays. This can amplify sun exposure by up to 50%. Whether you're skiing or swimming, it is ALSO important to protect your skin!
What does SPF mean ?
SPF is the sun protector factor of a sunscreen product. In the language of Shakespeare, it stands for "Sun Protector Factor."
More precisely, it is the rating that indicates the percentage of UVB rays filtered by the sunscreen.